Monday, January 7, 2013

MJ - The flying Hero in Poke-world

Many times have I been told not to eat heavy food at dinner. Of course I wouldn't listen, part of being a teenager is to make your own choices. Heavy food = Crazy dreams. Worth it. So here it goes:

For starters, I found myself in some sort of barricaded shopping mall (It was more of an outlet though). [I'm guessing the barricaded reference comes from me being so much into zombies] The thing is, It was  mixture between an outlet and my school, and I was in the science room, a place I've always wanted to be alone in. I made a bomb. I deployed inside the staff room. Right. Next thing I know, I walked towards the exit where I found a couple of peers, I overheard them saying how cool it would be to do something bad to the school. I just laughed awkwardly and walked away.

Following this "dream scene", I was "dream-teleported" to some kind of pokemon world.. or land. I was part of the newbie pack who just seemed to have arrived. And so once again I saw people from my school [this is sad because I have enough of them at school, why are they in my dreams? :( ]. One of them, a slim tall girl came up to me, apparently drunk, asking me for help. "You've got to help me MJ, yesterday, *insert name of girl* 's boyfriend and I..." and then she started doing vulgar motions with her hips. I just raised and eyebrow and began flying. [Minecraft creative mode style] But she kept on following me doing those vulgar motions.

Furthermore, I realized, after getting rid of my company, that every pokemon/person seemed to have some kind of cut at some point of their skin. I remembered Charlie the unicorn... Oh yes... I remember candy mountain... THESE PEOPLE HAD THEIR FREAKIN' KIDNEYS REMOVED D; Oh lord. And so I started running around, trying to spread the word to the newbies, which of course wouldn't listen to me as their kidneys were still intact. I reached a friend in the form of a Pikachu, I warned her, told her to run, but she's always been slow in the mind as well as phisically. So I kept on running, not looking back, until I noticed I was being followed by two security guards. I tried flying. They flew too. They had two mechanical arms, sort of dr. Otto Octavius, electricity flowing at the ends. I had to run, fly, do something. So I kept on warning them as these two men chased me. Lastly the corned me up in a garage, where I was forced to desist.

Fright ran through me. I was tied up, the electrifying mechanical arms keeping my body numb. It started tickling, so I laughed. That's when the dream point of view changed to 3rd person. I was there, laughing like a psycho. The men angry, as obviously this was no place to laugh. They applied some kind of cream over my torso, my body falls asleep and I watch, omnipotently, as my kidney is removed. That was one big kidney, by the way. Then I was taken to a hospital bed where I was next to a crazy man with multiple cuts. I tried to save everyone, if only they would've listened.Your hero has fallen.

(Notice the 4 last parragraphs start with an "F" Heh )

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