Sunday, January 6, 2013

Onta - 1D eat my chimpanzee

I had this dream like two months ago but I still remember it because I thought it was so random and I honestly have no idea where the monkeys came from...

Anyway I was walking home from Wong (Peruvian supermarket) and in the streets I saw a shadow. I looked up to the lamp post and saw nothing. (Between lamp posts there are cables carrying the telephone lines.) I saw the shadow again and looked up and again saw nothing. The third time I saw a monkey which I found extremely weird as my house is in the middle of the city. Then I heard a sound and turned around and there was a chimpanzee or orangutan not sure standing in from of me. The big animal from Tarzan? Lets just assume is that one and his name is Bob as it would make this easier.

I freaked out seeing Bob in front of me. And then he started talking which I found completely normal. (...) Telling me his story and the other monkey who couldn't talk. He just started saying how their owners moved to Australia and left them on the street and had been going all around Lima to find food. I felt sad and invited them to stay at my house as long as they wanted. Yes... because that is the most rational thing to do when you find two animals who can speak in the middle of the street.

I arrived home and there was a huge dinner table set and my brother's friend and his mom where there. We sat down and there were 5 seats left. I asked my mum who they were for. She just replied saying that there were for the cousins of my brother's friend. Is so normal for family of your brother's friend to suddenly come to dinner at your house... Even more with Bob and the other monkey seating there eating perfectly and talking to my mum and everyone about their lives. Yes completely normal.

Then suddenly the elevator beeped. One I had no idea existed on my house... 1D came out and started to say hi to everyone. So i stood up and went to say hi as you would with any guess and then we just sat down. Not weird at all that they suddenly come in an elevator that appeared out of nowhere. Larry/Louis suddenly asked "What are we having to eat?... Chimpanzee? Yum".

I just freaked out and grabbed Bob and said "Run Bob to the elevator!' We pressed a random botton and the doors opened and there were millions of flashes. I though no!!!! We have to close the door as they will take Bob to some scientists and tear him to pieces to investigate why he could speak! So I closed the door and one papparatzi got in and started to take photos. No matter how hard you kicked him he kept taking photos. Then I thought they were going to eat Bob! I couldn't go back to the dinner as they wanted to eat him but I couldn't go back to the other floor as the scientists would take him away.

Then I woke up. Because fuck logic I could only press two of the bottons of the elevator from the 10 that were available and you just bring the talking chimpanzee back with you to your house and everybody starts talking to him as that happened everyday.

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